
about who we are and what we do?


Are you the proud owner…

of a Gold Four Days Marches medal, having completed 10 times?

until the 107th 4Days Marches!

The 4Days Marches gold medal is granted to a select group of walkers that have successfully completed the Marches for at least ten times. That is when you can join the Association of Gold Medallists.
The association looks after the interests of its members. We keep a close watch on all developments concerning the 4Days Marches and stay in touch with Stichting DE 4DAAGSE about developments concerning the Marches. Currently our association consists of over 3,400 members in The Netherlands and abroad.

Reünie: zondag 29 september 2024 in Gulpen – Wijlre

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De reünie wordt dit jaar wederom gehouden in combinatie met een 'Powered by'-wandeltocht. Aangezien de wandeltocht die uitgezocht is (de Kastelenwandeltocht van w.s.v. de Veldlopers) op zondag valt, zal de…

Meeting points during the 4Daagse

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{:nl}Zoals ieder jaar zijn onze leden en hun introducees weer van harte welkom op onze meeting points: Meeting point dag 1: tussen Bemmel en Lent Meeting point dag 2: bij…

Editorial staff GOUD! is looking for volunteers

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{:nl} De redactie van GOUD! zoekt enthousiaste medewerkers. Om de redactie uit te breiden, zoeken we enkele vrijwilligers die willen helpen met het maken van artikelen en het opmaken van…

General assembly monday 15 July 2024

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{:nl}We nodigen al onze leden uit om onze Ledenvergadering bij te wonen op maandag 15 juli 2024 in het Van der Valk hotel in Lent. De vergadering begint om 14.00…

With over 3,700 members, the Association of Gold Medallists Four Days Marches is an important sparring partner for us. That is why we regularly ask and have asked for their advice about matters ranging from route changes to the creation of the restriction protocol.

Johan Willemstein, (former) president of "Stichting DE 4DAAGSE"

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