Although they are no longer part of the Four Days Marches merchandise, the distance badges remain popular. The
last few years they are only sold at the Tourist Office (VVV) and Snoek Beenmode in Nijmegen. With the permission
of marches leader Johan Willemstein the patches will once more be sold in 2016 by Leo Verhees, former member of
the Executive Committee of Stichting DE 4DAAGSE. There will even be a special 55 km patch. The patches will be
sold starting early June at the Tourist Office (VVV) and Snoek Beenmode in Nijmegen, while stocks last. There will
also be a special jubilee ceramic tile for sale, also in limited numbers.
Part of the proceeds will benefit Foundation Ruby And Rose, a charity collecting funds for research into and
treatment of gynecological cancer at the CWZ and the UMC St. Radboud in Nijmegen. More information on this charity
and the sponsored walk can be found via these links: