* = Required fields

    Name *

    Hometown *

    Telephone number *

    E-mail-Address *

    Number of times successfully completed the Four Days Marches? *

    KWBN Membership-card number (Bondsnummer) *

    Desired number of tickets for the Grandstand *

    To prevent 'automatic scripts writing' use the same Characters.


    Every year, our most loyal members receive a grandstand ticket for the Friday parade at the finish of the Nijmegen Marches. Applications will only be accepted from 1 June to 1 July.

    Members that have walked more than 35 editions of the Nijmegen Marches receive 1 ticket and members that have completed more than 40 editions receive 2 grandstand tickets.

    Your application for these tickets will be verified via Stichting DE 4DAAGSE and thereby you will be awarded either 1 or 2 tickets. You will not receive a written comfirmation of your application due to the large number of applications that we have to process in a short period of time.

    The distribution of the tickets will take place on the Monday preceding the Four Days Marches between 13.00 and 13.50 hrs at the vd Valk Hotel in Lent – Nijmegen.