Completed the Marches 10 times?

Join the Association of Gold Medallists Four Days Marches now!


Become a member

Have you successfully completed the Four Days Marches at least 10 times? Then you can become a member of our association. You can register by completing and sending the form below. Please complete all required fields. That will save our volunteers’ time.

    * = required field



    Last name*


    First name*



    House number*

    Postal code*



    Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy)*

    Telephone number (home)

    Telephone number (mobile)

    E-mail address*

    4Days Registrationnumber*

    Number of times I successfully completed the Four Days Marches*:

    You can become a member of the Koninklijke Wandel Bond Nederland (KWBN, Royal Dutch Walking Association) through our association. The membership fee for foreign members will amount to € 22 in 2025 (including a basic membership of the KWBN with the KWBN discount card) plus € 12,00 for the membership of GKD. Membership GKD only will amount to € 12,00 in 2025.

    If you are already a member of the KWBN through another Dutch walking association, please fill in your membership number.

    When you join our association after the Four Days Marches, the membership fee for the remainder of the year is € 5,-. Your membership for the KWBN will start on 1 January next year.

    Membership package*

    Membership number KWBN (if applicable)

    When would you like your membership to start? (dd-mm-yyyy)*

    Bank account number

    IBAN (required if in SEPA country)

    BIC (required if in SEPA country)

    If you do not live in a SEPA country, you will receive an e-mail on how to pay via PayPal. Questions? Contact us via

    I give permission for an automatic transfer of my membership fee. This limits the administration costs for the association.*

    YesNot applicable (I do not live in a SEPA country)

    To prevent automatic scripts completing this form, this picture contains a word. Please enter the word.


    I would prefer to receive magazine GOUD! digitally (.pdf-format). This reduces postage costs for the association and is better for the environment. (required to choose)


    The membership fee is published every year in the December edition of our magazine GOUD! This is a proposal that is finally accepted during the general assembly in the spring. Should you no longer wish to be a member of our association, please cancel your membership no later than 1 November of the preceding year. This allows us (and the KWBN) to process your cancellation in time.

    Why become a member?

    We offer you the following:

    • as a welcome gift a unique badge for your backpack;
    • twice a year the full colour magazine GOUD! with background stories and the latest news on the Four Days Marches, written in English for our English speaking members (click on the image below for a preview);
    • in a longterm membership the ladies receive a lustrum-pendant and the gentleman a lustrum-pin (15th, 20th etc) to wear it proudly in any suitable situation
    • If you wish also a membership of the KWBN (Royal Dutch Walking Association);
    • As KWBN member discount on all KWBN walks, including 5 euros discount on the Four Days Marches;
    • an exclusive members’ meeting on the Monday preceding the Four Days Marches, during which the chairman of Stichting DE 4DAAGSE tells us about the coming edition;
    • access to our meeting point on each day of the Four Days Marches;
    • an invitation for the annual reunion;
    • for those having completed for 35 times or more: a free ticket for the entry grandstand on the fourth day (40 times or more: 2 tickets).