Once you have completed the Four Days Marches successfully for the tenth time, we will send you an invitation to become a member. Should it be some time ago that you completed the Four Days Marches 10 times successfully, you can become a member by completing the form on our website. Please click here to become a member.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have applied for membership but I have not heard from you.
When you have applied for membership it may take some time before you hear from us. After registering you will, however, receive the first issue of our Magazine GOUD!, the June or December edition, depending on the date of application. If you become a member directly after the Four Days Marches you will receive a confirmation from us in October.
How much is the contribution?
The contribution is determined during the annual general meeting. In 2024 the annual contribution as basic member amounts to € 28,50. A basic member is a full member of the KWBN, buth will not get the Dutch magazine wandel.nl and not the Dutch annual guide.
When does the contribution have to be paid and how do I pay?
Once you have given an authorization for automatic collection from your bank account the annual contribution will be debited from your account at the beginning of January. Should you not have a SEPA proof bank account number, please transfer the membership fee of € 21,50 (for 2022) to the following bank account in the name of ‘Vereniging Gouden-Kruisdragers Vierdaagse’:
IBAN: NL70 INGB 0000375702
How do I pay my membership fee when I am living outside the Euro-zone?
We support this via PayPal. Currently this applies to our members in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Norway, United States, South Africa, Swedenm Switzerland and United Kingdom. There is one exception to this rule: whenever one of these members should have a bank account in Euro, in the Eurozone, than SEPA Direct Debit is applicable. We will appreciate, if this should be the case, that you align with our membership administration
(ledenadministratie@goudenkruisdragers.nl) in order to have the membership fee collected annually from your Euro bank account automatically. This will substantially reduce the efforts of our volunteers.
When you do not have a bank account in Euro, in the Eurozone, you will receive an email at the end of the year, in most cases from one of the email addresses ending with @goudenkruisdragers.nl, containing a so-called pre-notification. This email will explain the process. It will say that on short notice you will receive a payment request from PayPal in order to settle the membership fee. PayPal will indicate that the payment request has been launched from email address membershipfee@goudenkruisdragers.nl. In case you have already a PayPal account, you will for sure know how to act.
Otherwise, kindly consider creating a PayPal account. This is free of charge. The only essential part: you need to assign a bank account or credit cart account to your PayPal account. In case you do so, PayPal will ask you to confirm the account chosen. Your bank or credit card account will be debited showing “GOUDENKRDR” as the beneficiary. Your payment will be processed by our membership administrator.
There is still a possibility to pay in cash or with debit card on the Monday preceeding the Four Days Marches at the Kolpinghuis.
How can I withdraw my membership?
Should you no longer wish to be a member of our association, please cancel your membership no later than 1 October of the preceding year. This allows us (and the KWBN) to process your cancellation in time.
I have a new e-mail address; would you like to know?
We would like to know your current e-mail address so that we can send you an e-mail if necessary. Therefore, please let us know any changes by e-mail: ledenadministratie@goudenkruisdragers.nl.
I have a new bank account number. How can I let you know?
You can e-mail your new bank account number to membership registration via ledenadministratie@goudenkruisdragers.nl.
I sent you a mutation and I did not receive a confirmation. Why is that?
Our administration is done by volunteers who have a full-time job. We would like to confirm every change, however, this is quite impossible as there are hundreds of mutations each year. We hope you will understand.
Who organises the Nijmegen Four Days Marches?
The Nijmegen Four Days Marches is organized by Stichting DE 4DAAGSE which is linked to the KWBN, the Royal Dutch Walking association. They are two separate organisations and therefore the KWBN does not organise the Four Days Marches. The Stichting DE 4DAAGSE and the KWBN do share a main office in Nijmegen and in some areas are led by the same management and staff.
Why aren’t KNWB members given priority when registering for the Four Days Marches?
As the Stichting DE 4DAAGSE and the KWBN are separated legal entities, the Stichting DE 4DAAGSE cannot give privileges to members of the KWBN. However, KWBN members are given a discount on their entrance fee for the Four Days Marches.
Do you have a question that you can’t find the answer to and thatdoes belong here? Let us know via secretaris@goudenkruisdragers.nl