General assembly monday 15 July 2024

By 26 June 2024 July 3rd, 2024 Geen categorie

We invite all our members to attend our general assembly on Monday, July 15, 2024 at the Van der Valk hotel in Lent.  The meeting starts at 2:00 PM and will last approximately one hour.

The committee proposes the following agenda:

  1. Opening by the chairman
  2. Contribution by the marchess leader of DE 4DAAGSE and/or a delegation from the KWBN
  3. Incoming documents and board announcements
  4. Minutes of the general meeting of April 13, 2024:
  5. Committee election
  6. Reunion and ‘powered by GKD’ tour in Gulpen, September 29, 2024
  7. Heumensoordtocht ‘powered by GKD’ in Nijmegen, December 18, 2024
  8. (other) Proposals from the committee
  9. Ask any questions
  10. Closing with the Four Days Marches Song

Explanation of the agenda:

Point 5: committee member and membership administrator Harry van Dijk recently indicated that he would like to resign from his committee position at the next opportunity. This makes his position vacant. The committee would like to nominate Lisette Melisse as a candidate for this vacant position. She will then also take over Harry van Dijk’s membership administration around September 2024.

Point 6: If there are any members who would like to help organize the 2025 reunion, we would like to hear from you. For the time being, we are looking at possibilities to organize that reunion in the Breda area.

Point 8: the board will briefly explain the discussions surrounding membership of the KWBN.

Point 9: if members have proposals or questions for the board, the board would like to hear or read this prior to the meeting, so that we can perhaps respond to a proposal or question immediately. The board requests everyone to submit questions that reasonably require some research to the secretariat, if possible in writing and no later than one week before the meeting.